
Working cooperatively

Today I'd like to share a presentation I delivered last week. I've experienced what working cooperatively is and I'm really thankful because during the career, I've met wonderful people. Super thanks Eva, Eve and Euge!!

My hobby

Hi there! Today I'd like to share something about me. This year has been a difficult one for me. I'been through many changes but I have discovered that cycling is my passion. I started a year ago in a cycling group and that has been the best thing I've done. It's amazing to visit new places by bike and having breakfast or lunch with friends. I've met wonderful people and I have taken lots of photos. This sport has changed my life ♡

First and Second Language Acquisition

Hi there! Today I'm posting something as regards 1st and 2nd language acquisition. I was watching this video and I found it quite clear, both women explain and provide examples and, I must say that I like TED speakers quite a lot.  Hope you find it as interesting as I did. It's worth watching.

Caribbean accent

It was difficult to think of a free topic to share today so I have decided to post what I did last Friday at the teaching training college. Me and my partner delivered a presentation on Caribbean accent. We've been learning about different cultures and People from Jamaica have suffered a lot. It was very interesting to learn about them and I discovered lots of new information. I'll share a bit of their language history.

Learning about Spain

Hi there! Today I'd like to share some images I've chosen to work with 3º year secondary school. I'm doing my practice lessons, and the school I'm attending to is working on a project about Countries. I have to deal with tourism and language of Spain, so I was doing some research yesterday and I have found some great material to share with the students. Learning about places to visit. I'd love to work on something similar as a final project. We are going to learn about different places, typical food and the language Sources: https://ar.pinterest.com/decaluw/t%C3%B3picos-y-estereotipos/?lp=true https://ar.pinterest.com/pin/374080312792762661/

Four methods

Hi there! I've found some useful information about the four methods. Community Language Learning Suggestopedia The Silent Way Total Physical Response

Introducing me

Hey, To begin with, I think this image says a lot about me but  I'll share a little bit of myself.  My name's Romina, I'm 25 years old and I live in Fatima. I've lived there since I was 8 and let me tell you that it's and it'd be my favourite place ever. I have a sister, Florencia. She's 20 years old and I had a brother, Hernan. He would be 27 now but he decided to leave this world at the age of 18. I think life is sometimes   hard.   Don't you think? I'm not a huge fan of writing about me or my things to be honest because I think there's not much to say but here I am. I live with my boyfriend, Franco, He'll turn 26 very soon. He's a lovely person and we have been together for almost 8 years. I think that's enough so see you around! :)